1. Nickname; sudvamzdis
2. Old nickname (if changed); edvarduxx
3. Combat level; 42
4. Craft stats with pointing thier levels;50intu 64dex
5. How much time do you spend in AW per day?5-6
6. How much time do you spend in AW at all?; 5
7. Why have you chosen 1st?; This clan is not bad and i like this clan members MLDC so i wana join here
8. Have you ever been in other clans? them/it);
9. How old are you?; 15
10. Are you member? (if "no" point the reason and date when you will get it) ; yes
11. Where are you from (country,city), which languages can you talk? EH LT
12. Tell something about yourself. Что пользуется играл Авпланет
13. ID of account; 84590
14. email ;
15. ICQ Skype - edvardux102
16. Name the persons of 1st which can stand Nickname;sudvamzdis
2. Old nickname (if changed); none
3. Combat level; 46
4. Craft stats with pointing thier levels;68 dex 43 intu
5. How much time do you spend in AW per day?7-8h
6. How much time do you spend in AW at all?; 3
7. Why have you chosen 1st?; good clan nice tag and i thin good clan members
8. Have you ever been in other clans? them/it);
9. How old are you?; 16
10. Are you member? (if "no" point the reason and date when you will get it) ; At now not
11. Where are you from (country,city), which languages can you talk? LT,RUS,ENG
12. Tell something about yourself. aw playing ;]
13. ID of account; 1000012617
14. email ;
15. ICQ Skype -
16. Name the persons of 1st which can stand bond for your application.:efkaz studentas
So look