1. Nickname;ExciTe 2. Old nickname (if changed) 3. Combat level;69 4. Craft stats with pointing thier levels;geology-60,crafting 60 5. How much time do you spend in AW per day?;1-12 6. How much time do you spend in AW at all?;3 years 7. Why have you chosen 1st?; good and friendly ppls , nice tag. 8. Have you ever been in other clans? (if "yes" point that clans and reason of leaving them/it); krc last was [EX] no point to be in because 10 ppls in cl , and no action in forum 9. How old are you?;20 10. Are you member? (if "no" point the reason and date when you will get it); yes , allways. 11. Where are you from (country,city), which languages can you talk?; , lithuania. english , small russ. 12. Tell something about yourself, shortly; Good man Wink 13. ID of account;79653 14. email ;vdlt@one.lt 15. ICQ №, skype; skype :skuterislt 16. Name the persons of 1st which can stand bond for your application. SALUT,spiritas,kaco redfishpk mondeko ultris